Help your senior dog live longer with these best care for your older dog blog advice by Canine Physiotherapist Michelle Monk
Just because your dog is getting older,
doesn't mean they have to become less mobile
Senior Dogs are one of our favourite groups of patients to treat.
Often they are thought to be stiff and move slowly just because they are old, but we can really make a difference to these patients, through treating their bodies to reduce stiffness and soreness, reducing arthritic pain, then increasing their strength, leading to overall improved mobility and enjoyment of life.
Simple advice on how to set up the home to make their life easier and appropriate exercises and massage techniques are also provided combined with the latest nutrition and our latest addition, laser therapy.
Everything we do aligns with our commitment to do everything we can for you and your dog to spend as much time together enjoying life. Read the blogs below for some more things you can do for your four-legged best friend as they mature in life.

Blogs for Dog Owners with Older Dogs
How can physiotherapy help my older dog
Animal Physiotherapists begin as Human Physiotherapists then complete extra qualifications before treating animals. So they are experts in assessment of musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. They are experienced in assessing movement such as gait and functional activities, assessing weakness in muscles, tightness or soreness in muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons. They then develop a treatment program that is right for your pet and you.
What to Expect During an Animal Physiotherapy Session
Just like when you go to see a Physiotherapist, your pet's physio will ask you a range of questions to get a good picture of your dog's problem, they will watch your dog move, then systematically perform an assessment of the particular body regions affected. Treatment can include a number of modalities such as: Massage and Myofascial Release Joint Mobilisation, Underwater treadmill / hydrotherapy, Acupuncture, and even Cold Laser Therapy.
Prescription of mobility aids such as Harnesses, Wheelchairs, Protective boots, and Braces will depend entirely on the assessment of your dogs condition.
Length of Treatment Programs
Depending on your dog's condition, they may attend for a single appointment if they are coming for a mobility checkup, or if they require rehabilitation after a surgery, they may be coming for some weeks - just like we would.